Re: Chair, Butt/Casting Seat, or No Seat?

Unless you really like sitting down while fishing a full front seat just gets in the way. A butt seat is way smaller and you can lean on it if needed and it sometimes keeps you from falling out of the boat if you hit a stump/catch a bad wave.

For the back if he doesn’t want one just take it out. As a coangler many times it really gets in the way.

it’s not always about what a guy WANTS to do… some of us have back issues and have made the choice:  sit down and fish all day, plus be able to MOVE the next day… or stand up for 15 minutes until the back spasms send you home.

seats of all types have a role, a purpose.  but that’ a very personal choice.

for what it’s worth, if a guy works at it, you can flip, pitch, skip from a seated position … just have to ‘want to’…  and that is still using 7.5 foot rods.


via Bass Fishing Forum

March 18, 2023 at 07:15PM

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